Some invited talks, one special talk and some oral presentations from RAD 2016 Conference can be found here.
RAD 2016 Proceedings
Proceedings of RAD 2016 Conference can be seen here.
Awards – RAD 2016 Conference
The final decision on the winners has been made. The names of the awarded participants can be seen here. We congratulate to all the nominees and to all the awarded participants!.
Nominations for the best contributions at RAD 2016 Conference
Nominations for the best contributions at RAD 2016 Conference can be found here.
The Final Programme of RAD 2016 Conference can be downloaded here.
Registration form
The Registration Form for participation in RAD 2016 Conference is available here. Please fill-in the Registration Form as soon as you know your arrival and departure details.
Please note that participants with virtual presentations should not register.
Please have in mind that, due to a large number of expected participants and relatively small accommodation capacities in Nis, we strongly recommend you to book your accommodation and travel tickets as soon as you know the details of your visit.
RAD 2017 Survey
The survey about the place where the next RAD 2017 Conference could be
organized is available here.
Preliminary Programme
RAD 2016 Preliminary programme can be found here.
A topic related Conference
CEI Cooperation Activity
The Committee of National Coordinators has authorised a CEI contribution to RAD 2016 declaring it as a CEI Cooperation Activity.
Abstract Deadline Extension
We would like to inform you that the abstract submission deadline is extended until December 31, 2015, hoping this extension will give you enough time to finish your abstract(s).
Up to 3000 characters long abstract(s) (including spaces) could be entered via abstract portal at ABSTRACT page.
Please note that it is not necessary to send an abstract to participate in RAD 2016 Conference. If you do not have a contribution, but you wish to participate, you will register yourself as a regular participant and take a participation in this event!
RAD 2016 - event of Continuous Medical Education in the Republic of Serbia
Based on the decision of the Health Council of the Republic of Serbia from November 17, 2015, RAD 2016 has been accredited as the event of Continuous Education in the Republic of Serbia (Accreditation Number: А-1-2675/15) . All relevant information can be found here.